Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Travel Report - Feb 21

Check your inbox for the first Auction Travel Report!

THE HAVANA NIGHT WEBSITE IS LIVE  A big feature this year.  Everything you need to know about the Auction can be found right here.  So bookmark it and sign up for automatic updates.  Don't miss the boat (to Cuba)!

FATHER JIM'S WALLET  An Annunciation tradition.  Father Jim carries his wallet around on auction night to see how many donations he can collect.  Then, it is auctioned off during the live auction to a lucky winner.  This year it is bigger & better than ever... Father Jim will be collecting donations in his VAULT all year long!  Look for the vault to show up at Annunciation events and watch it fill.  Rumor has it there are already two Vikings tickets in there.

CLASSROOM BOXES  What you have known in the past as Classroom Baskets is now called Classroom (Cigar) Boxes.  Each grade will collect donations and put together a Classroom Box to be auctioned off during the silent auction.  The suggested amount is $3-5 per grade and all you have to do is drop it at the office.  Easy as flan!!

For more information contact Maranda McCarthy or Courtney Steilen at


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